Wine and Spirits Tasters of Indiana Inc. is a club where adults come together to learn about wine and spirits and share in their appreciation.
To provide a broad experience for those who enjoy wine and spirits while supporting the community.
Janice Carter - President
Wayne Wellington - Vice President
Elaine Johnson - Treasurer
Johnnie Woodson Alex - Secretary
Bob Hill - Event Coordinator
The African American Wine Tasting Society, Indianapolis Chapter was officially founded in the Spring of 2003. The first tasting event was held on Thursday, July 23 at Gregory's Restaurant, later renamed Savory's. It was well attended; some guest include AAWTS Founder, Renee Rowe & National AAWTS President Pamela Roebuck, Sheila Harris, first official member of the Indpls Chapter. The next tasting event was a tour at Chateau Thomas Winery, followed by events at Bonefish Grill, Mo Bev's Cafe & Xpression's Bookstore. The first Wine bus tour to Southern Indiana wineries with Oliver's and Brown County. In November 2017 AAWTS dissolved and Wine and Spirit Tasters of Indiana was born! WSTI
David Robertson-Program Director/President
LaShaunda Baynes-Vice President
LaTonya Smith - Treasurer
Members: Sheila Harris, Carl Clark, Myrna & Dewy Williams, Anita Williams, Lisa Winbush, Reggie Bishop, Veronica Tyler, Emily Ferguson & husband, and Angela Jimison-Robertson.
Janice Carter - President
Robert Hill - Vice President
Elaine Johnson - Treasurer
Wayne Wellington - Secretary
Join us on our fun-filled journey into the adult world of Wine and Spirit Tasting! Membership fees $95 a year.
Explore wine, spirits and their appreciation!
Wine and Spirit Tasters of Indiana
8401 Moeller Road, PO Box 681592, Indianapolis, IN 46268
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